Sunday, August 30, 2020


 Can you guarantee what you put in your mouth? In other words, what are you eating? Did you know that you are what you eat just as you are what you think? Hmmmm, What you put in your mouth makes a difference between life and death. Some items are labeled 'poison'. Others are not. Granted we now know that an item labeled 'poison' is poison, how can you be sure that out of the other items you want to put in your mouth, which one is poison and which one is not? It will be a great disaster if you claim that you are set in your ways and give us the adage, "you can't teach no old dog no new tricks" (whatever that construction means). Better be late than 'the late'. The 'late' is dead (simply put). I love life. I will continue to be selective when I put anything in my mouth. You can do it yourself. You can also ask me my formula, I don't mind. When you stay alive, you save your kith and kin the hassles of ambulances, hospital visits, prohibitive bills, morgue and funeral home ordeals, pricing and buying caskets, sitting at the dining table across from the estate administrator - just by what you put in your mouth. As for me, I choose life. I will know that I did everything I need to do as a human being, and God always makes the final decision. Eat right. Walk away from negatives.

Thursday, August 27, 2020


 Isn't it amazing that the people who know closely are the ones to minimize what you are doing or what you represent? Isn't it amazing? People from distant places who have never seen you are judging you by your name, reputation, output, and the change you have brought into people's lives. Guess what? The people who know you in person and have access to you at any time they want are the ones to question the quality of your work? I have conducted the experiment. I kept one group far away from me. I kept another group very close, close enough to see me, talk with me, visit my house, share meals in my home, etc. After the first 6 months, I saw that I was no longer worth anything to those who see me. Over that same 6-month period, my worth with those who cannot see me increased tremendously, so much that whatever I said was almost like Law. After the second 6 months, I had become so familiar with the first group that what I said had no weight. At that same time, those who are unable to see me but only deal with me over the phone, text, and email were so excited and were clamoring for an opportunity to meet with me. Guess what (again), I will not let them see me. They are already satisfied with what they get. So, why should I blow it? Watch your familiarity index.

Friday, August 21, 2020


When you consider the unavoidable and inescapable risks you face every day, even if you are afraid of dying, you realize that you can die from some unimaginable factor. You cannot protect yourself. You cannot strategize and plan enough. Do not spend your precious time shielding yourself from dying. Spend your time living life, doing the things you like, taking your conscious upward-mobility steps, and climbing the ladder. Think about even the water you drink..., the bottled water you buy from the grocery stores..., how much plastic content INSIDE the water itself that you gulp down. How much of that water (and how much of the plastic content) will you drink before you die from it? So, why are you afraid to die? Go about your business! Humans get born; they eat, grow, and die. It does not really matter whether they die from COVID-19, belly-ache, or fatigue. Everything that happens between the birth and death continuum is 'happenstance'. Some make tons of money. Some get tons of degrees. Some achieve plenty of money and plenty of education. It's all pretty-much accidental, connection-oriented, planning-related, legacy, etc. At the end of the day, they die, whether they achieved anything or NOTHING. Again, go about your business between your birth and death. You have no control over the two. Therefore, do not sweat the things in-between.

Thursday, June 11, 2020


Vision is very powerful. Virtually everyone came to this world with a vision: to be this, to be that, and to be the other. Therefore, people are busy working on their different visions. When you put another person behind the wheels of your vision, more often than not the person will not deliver because the vision is not coming from within the person. The vision is going into the person, and guess what? Are you thinking what I am thinking? If a person does not own a vision, that vision will be truncated knowingly or unknowingly. That is why corporations pay top dollar to a person who appears capable and fitting to deliver on a vision. Note that oftentimes, the 'visible' vision delivered to an executor may be different from the actual vision. If a corporation or a person entrusts a vision to you, take time to learn the vision. Be honest and pursue it with loyalty. Otherwise, tell the owner of the vision that you are not a perfect fit for that vision. It is better for you to quit honorably than to crash another person's vision.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Information, Knowledge, Power, Ambition.

"Information leads to knowledge; knowledge leads to power - good power; not vaulted ambition." (Professor Frederick Nwosu, 08June2012)

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Staying Safe During the Pandemic
Everyone who lost a dear one must accept my sympathy. This is the time for us all to come together. In this state of uncertainty, everyone can use some words of hope and encouragement. This is the purpose of this episode. Sit back and reflect as you hear the words in all the songs selected for this episode. All songs belong to Arthur Freds. Arthur Freds is also on Jango Radio. You may reach Arthur Freds at

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Wisdom and Foolishness

"Where EVERYONE claims wisdom, everyone becomes invariably foolish" (Frederick Nwosu, 2013).

Friday, April 3, 2020

Knowledge and Power...

We were told that knowledge was power (and probably still is). Over time, we have seen knowledge. We have also seen power. We try to see if they are parallel or have a meeting point. From group to group, we find a divergence of views. Some say 'knowledge is power' while others counter, 'power is power', knowledge or no knowledge. Who will adjudicate? At this point, it no longer matters which camp I am in. This debate might be prolonged, and we are unable (at this time) to forecast the result. Is knowledge power?

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

A writer once said, "Thanks for supporting us. We are dying on every side. Our number is reducing drastically. So many things are working against us. We appreciate all who will just excuse us, even when we are wrong. If for nothing else, just to make sure we are spared as endangered species. Let us stop the spread of the virus called 'he was survived by his wife'. Please have good in the kitchen so we do not need to go to the restaurant. I believe that home food can be as tasty as (or even tastier than) outside food."

Thursday, March 26, 2020

What did God design in marriage? Men would go out and select girls that catch their eyes and fancies. When you all did so, were you not fulfilling God's plan? The different girls listened to your toasting. Some ignored you. One accepted your sweet tongue.
Did those ones that agreed to marry do us a favor when they agreed to marry us?
When those initial girls refused your toast, did you not go get another girl?
Did you force this present one to marry you?
Did you both not know that God designed everyone's life this way?
Why should your sperm that took you energy and sweat to release become so unimportant? Did your wife say she didn't want to carry a pregnancy? Did you point the Avtomat Kalashnikova-47 to her head to secure her assent? Did she not feel happy when she became pregnant? Does that not mean you did her a favor by helping her and making her realize her womanhood? If she bore her father's name all the days of her life, do you think she would be happier that way? Didn't you think that she was bragging to other girls when her last name changed from her father's name to yours? Please spare me this theory that is different from what God set up. Your job is to love your wife. Her job is to submit to you. When she finally agreed to become your wife didn't that other girl regret losing you to her? Now, all of a sudden, you want to feel that she did you a favor to agree to become your wife. Listen: if you play the whimp she will see it and make you the whimp you have chosen to be. If you play the husband and take care of your responsibility as God designed it, she will see and call you 'lord' just as Sarah called Abraham "lord". Bring God into your life and be like Abraham. She will easily bring God into her life and be like Sarah. You will never regret it.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Do some of your old contacts suddenly wake up one day to ask how you are doing? Watch them. They need something from you. When they come, they make you feel like you are their friends. You can fall for it just to play along and see how that goes. Once they get you to your comfort level, they pop their requests. You may ignore such requests and damn the farce friendship. You may play along and see if the so-called friends will hang around after getting from you what they want from you. They are unlikely to hang around you. They will disappear only to reappear long after (when they need more from you). You are but a tool for your fake friends to achieve their results. You may spin your wheels daily because you are caring. You will realize it in the 'evening' of your life when you cannot turn back the hand of the clock. Bottom-line: take care of your OWN business as a priority over other people's problems/businesses. Be strong before you waste yourself.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Are You Wasting Admiration?

Did you know that you could be adoring a person without knowing that he or she has no regard for you whatsoever? The person would smile back to you when you smile. You will be showering him or her with so much respect and admiration oblivious of the fact that you are worth nothing in that person's eyes. Love everyone and remain conscious of your world. Invest professionally in connections, but do not overinvest your mental and emotional resources. Make concerted efforts to know who truly respects or cherishes you in the social and professional environment. hashtagemotional hashtagmental hashtagprofession hashtagrelationships hashtagrespect

Thursday, January 2, 2020