Sunday, August 30, 2020


 Can you guarantee what you put in your mouth? In other words, what are you eating? Did you know that you are what you eat just as you are what you think? Hmmmm, What you put in your mouth makes a difference between life and death. Some items are labeled 'poison'. Others are not. Granted we now know that an item labeled 'poison' is poison, how can you be sure that out of the other items you want to put in your mouth, which one is poison and which one is not? It will be a great disaster if you claim that you are set in your ways and give us the adage, "you can't teach no old dog no new tricks" (whatever that construction means). Better be late than 'the late'. The 'late' is dead (simply put). I love life. I will continue to be selective when I put anything in my mouth. You can do it yourself. You can also ask me my formula, I don't mind. When you stay alive, you save your kith and kin the hassles of ambulances, hospital visits, prohibitive bills, morgue and funeral home ordeals, pricing and buying caskets, sitting at the dining table across from the estate administrator - just by what you put in your mouth. As for me, I choose life. I will know that I did everything I need to do as a human being, and God always makes the final decision. Eat right. Walk away from negatives.

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