Thursday, August 27, 2020


 Isn't it amazing that the people who know closely are the ones to minimize what you are doing or what you represent? Isn't it amazing? People from distant places who have never seen you are judging you by your name, reputation, output, and the change you have brought into people's lives. Guess what? The people who know you in person and have access to you at any time they want are the ones to question the quality of your work? I have conducted the experiment. I kept one group far away from me. I kept another group very close, close enough to see me, talk with me, visit my house, share meals in my home, etc. After the first 6 months, I saw that I was no longer worth anything to those who see me. Over that same 6-month period, my worth with those who cannot see me increased tremendously, so much that whatever I said was almost like Law. After the second 6 months, I had become so familiar with the first group that what I said had no weight. At that same time, those who are unable to see me but only deal with me over the phone, text, and email were so excited and were clamoring for an opportunity to meet with me. Guess what (again), I will not let them see me. They are already satisfied with what they get. So, why should I blow it? Watch your familiarity index.

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