The task ahead of us all is as important as anything we might consider important on other platforms. Just think about one thing you consider important. Then, think about another thing you consider important. Why do you consider one more important than the other? Is the 'less important' thing truly less valuable than the 'more important' thing? Or is it that your TIME, PLACE, and CIRCUMSTANCE make one 'more important' than the other? For instance, the learning domain (where I mostly am) commands great attention because it has a time lag.
When that time elapses, efforts so far made will be in jeopardy. Therefore, every passing moment is critical to the success anyone is making in any journey. I often view every life's journey from the angle of demand, supply, and price. How much do we demand the product called 'life'? How much of the product (life) is in supply? How much are we willing to pay to acquire and secure the product (life)?
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